PubG on PS4 : Reviewing a new battlefield

So, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, also known as PubG, came to the PS4 platform last Friday, and like many others of the PS4 gamers community, I had preordered the game and been waiting for its launch.
As a disclaimer, I’m not a pro gamer, I don’t own a gaming computer, nor have I played PubG on mobile. This said, the experience I’m describing is issued from the first time I play the game.
Luckily, some friends of mine also bought the game the first day, so we were able to try the game together and benefit from the co-op hype.

Let’s start with what I liked about the game!


The realistic atmosphere


PubG - A man standing on a hill looking at a deserted town

Even if the graphical quality is not the best, PubG environment is breathtaking, the creators took care of the small details that matter. You’ll hear motorcycles and vehicles from far away, feel them approaching and be able to track them just by following their noise. You’ll be bothered by a fly buzzing as if you are in a real jungle, and admire the sandy sound of your footsteps while on a Sahara map.

Even the guns mechanism is more realistic than other FPS video-games. With the “Zeroing” effect, PubG lets you take control on when the bullet will hit the dead center of the cross-hair. Bullets on PubG are visibly affected by gravity, more than other games of the same category.


The maps


PubG - A map Jumping from a plane wearing a parachute

The maps on PubG are quite big, at least bigger than Fortnite’s map. This gives you the possibility to start the game slowly, loot weapons and coordinate with your team before hitting the Playzone.

You don’t have to rush it from the start, and even if you’re a beginner, like me, you won’t be frustrated by dying the second you land on the map.

Also, each map on PubG has its own specificity, so it’s not just the decoration that changes but the whole gameplay is impacted. Your pace will be different depending on the land you’re walking on.
Even looting is not the same. on some maps, it’s really hard to find a good gun, meanwhile, it’s an easy task on another.


The fun of it all!


Especially when playing with your friends, the deadly missions becomes a real delight. The cooperation between the team members is a success key, but you’ll have much fun doing it. Even if you die early in the game, you can keep the fun by spectating another friend’s game and keep supporting the team, until you win or the last man dies.


Now, I’ll talk about what I liked less about the game.


A lot of guns, and even more ammunition

That may be due to my poor gun-related knowledge, but I’m totally lost when it comes to choosing the right gun. There’s just too much gun classes out there, each one with its own specificities, and has to be equipped with the right ammunition, which leads us to the huge amount of ammo varieties you’ll find on the ground. Since you’re susceptible to change your weapon frequently, you’ll have to carry all that ammo “just in case”.

Knowing that you can carry three weapons at a time, it’s not that easy to keep track of what ammo you’re needing and what equipment can your guns be reinforced with. Like, is that holographic sight compatible with the weapon you’re holding or was it the one you just dropped. So for a beginner, it’s just a lot to handle.


The driving experience is not the best

I think that the driving mechanics in PubG on PS4 are not the best. I’m used to driving vehicles on many other games, but I feel that there’s something off about it on this one. I’m totally aware that PubG is not essentially a driving-oriented game, but whenever I’m on a bike or a car, I feel that the driving experience is unsatisfactory.



After all, for me, enjoying the game matters far more than winning it. Helping an ambushed friend, reviving another, sharing a ride and all the other cool things you can do are what make this game worth its price and even more.


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